Magnetic Therapy
Under the effect of earth magnetic field, people’s bodies form their own magnetic field. According to the examination and testing, human’s heart, lungs, brain, muscles and nerves, etc all have different degree of micro magnetic field. But as a result of the earth's environment change, accelerated pace of life, mental stress and other factors, a part of people's own magnetic field is disordered inevitably.
Recently, scientific studies have found that using magnetic physical therapy can prevent disease, have the effect of health care. With a certain intensity of magnetic field applied to human diseases or related acupuncture point, it can alleviate some pain of human body, such as acute contusion twisted, strain of lumbar muscles, tension headaches, and some arthritis. This is called permanent magnet therapy.
China Rare Earth Magnet Limited is a leading supplier of a variety of magnetic therapy products including magnetic ankle support, magnetic neck support, magnetic pillow, magnetic wrist support, magnetic wrist pad, magnetic back support, magnetic knee support, magnetic waist support, magnetic mattress, magnetic elbow support, magnetic insoles and so on. Permanent magnets like strong neodymium magnets and moderate ferrite magnets are mostly applied in magnetic therapy products. Besides, we also supply Alnico magnets, SmCo magnets and some other magnetic assemblies which are widely used in our daily life.
Magnetic Ankle Supports Strong neodymium magnets emit deep penetrating magnetic therapy to help the pain and swelling in the ankle and lower leg. |
Magnetic Neck Supports Magnetic neck supports include super neodymium magnets that help daily stress and tension in the neck and shoulder, while restoring natural energy. |
Magnetic Therapy Therapy magnet is non-invasive and used most often for pain relief, usually of the joints and muscles arthritis, insomnia, back pain, tendinitis, stress, migraines and headaches are among the list of ailments for which people have used therapy magnets. |
Magnetic Therapy Pillows Magnetic therapy pillows include strongest neodymium magnets, provide true & efficient magnetic therapy. |
Magnetic Wrist Supports Magnetic wrist supports include strongest neodymium magnets, provide true & efficient magnetic therapy. |
Magnetic Wrist Pads Magnetic wrist pads include strongest neodymium magnets ,provide true & efficient magnetic therapy. |
Magnetic Back Supports Magnetic back supports include strongest neodymium magnets, provide true & efficient magnetic therapy. |
Magnetic Knee Supports Magnetic knee supports include strongest neodymium magnets, provide true & efficient magnetic therapy. |
Magnetic Waist Supports Magnetic waist supports can be used for warmth or back support, allowing muscles and ligaments to relax. |
Therapy Magnets Therapy Magnets are non-invasive and used most often for pain relief, usually of the joints and muscles Arthritis, insomnia, back pain, tendinitis, stress, migraines and headaches are among the list of ailments for which people have used magnetic therapy. |
Therapy Magnets D12x2(mm) strong neodymium therapy magnets. The north pole is on the face which has a dimple. This side should be applied to your body and held in place with surgical tape or a sticky plaster. |
Magnets Knee Pads Magnetic Knee Pads include strongest neodymium magnets, provide true & efficient magnetic therapy. |
Magnetic Therapy Mattess Magnetic theray mattess include strongest neodymium magnet, provide true & efficient magnetic therapy. |
Magnetic Elbow Supports Magnetic elbow supports can be used for warmth or back support, allowing muscles and ligaments to relax. |
Magnetic Insoles Very comfortable magnetic insoles, various design and efficient magnetic therapy product. |